We hereby inform you, that we have changed our truck inland price structure for the corridors involving the ports of Leixoes and Lisbon. As from date 01/06/2020, our website will be showing the following price structure, based on the weight of the cargo.

Please note, that if the weight changes from the booking placement until the Shipment Instruction issuance, the intermodal prices may be changed based on the new weight.



0 – 26tons: Price 1
26 – 28 tons: Price 2

0 – 25 tons: Price 1
25 – 28 tons: price 2

We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



Soddisfiamo le esigenze dei nostri clienti lungo tutta la catena logistica.


Il nostro team di esperti è sempre a tua disposizione.
Trova prezzi

Sei pronto a spedire?

Verifica le tariffe per le nuove spedizioni e le tariffe per il trasporto inland.
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