We would like to offer our latest update on the outbreak of COVID-19 and any impact to Maersk’s operations.

Currently ports, depots, and terminals are operating normally and have extensive business continuity plans in place.

To sustain operations, we kindly request that discharged container units are treated with your utmost attention. We request timely pick up and drop-off of containers to ensure we can continue performing at the highest level and avoid terminal congestion at port.

It is crucial that we work together in these challenging times. We are doing our best to keep you informed and offer support in order to minimize the potential impact on your business.

Please do note the below details on the Demurage/Detention Billing

  • All Demurrage and Detention Freetime agreements and rates remain as negotiated.
  • We encourage you to regularly follow up on your arriving containers, prepare in advance for pick up and reach out if we can support you to final delivery.
  • In order to minimize substantial Demurrage and Detention costs, we encourage you to manage your exposure. You can check your current Demurrage/Detention freetime details for your containers via our website at: Maersk - Dashboard 
  • As we are anticipating that the current circumstances might lead to many of our customer going to face the necessity to slow down their supply chains, we have developed a variety of solutions to avoid significant Detention & Demurrage exposure. Please look at our contingency solutions of Maersk Storage and Maersk Forward Storage +, by clicking the following link: Maersk - Stay Ahead - Know Your Alternatives

If you have any questions, please contact us via Live Chat, our Maersk website, or reach out to your Customer Service contact via phone.

We value your business and look forward to your support and working with you in future.

We wish everyone a safe and healthy time ahead.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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