We would like to offer you our latest update on the outbreak of COVID-19 and any impact to Maersk’s operations in Greece / North Macedonia.

Maersk leadership teams, as well as management in all other areas where cases of COVID-19 have been identified, are closely monitoring the situation as part of our strong commitment to ensure the safety of our employees whilst working towards mitigating any possible impact to our customers’ operations.

Please bookmark this advisory page where you will always find the latest update for Greece / North Macedonia!

5 May 2020:

General Status

In view of the recents developments and announcements from Government side we would like to announce that our offices will resume operations as per normal working hours.

During this next phase counters will be open for pick up and dispatch of original documents from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 13:00.

Meanwhile you can schedule your appointments after communication with your local CS representative or via e-mail on gr.import@maersk.com or gr.export@maersk.com.

In order to avoid congestions at our offices for our mutual safety we can still send you delivery orders via e-mail after your request.

Moving forward, as of 15th of May we will be in position to send you Electronic delivery orders via port system HPCS.

To further reduce waiting time and physical contacts, you can send us your request including payment and authorization letters via Self Service Delivery Order by logging in our website and requesting delivery order of the shipment you want.

Lastly please note that empty container depots are now displayed in the copy of your delivery order. You can provide same at the depot upon delivery of the container.

Should you have any concern and/or queries, please feel free to contact your Maersk Local Representative, we will be happy to assist you.

Keep your business moving during the COVID-19 situation

We have outlined solutions which might help during this uncertain time. We are developing alternative services across the logistic chain where possible and our customer service teams are able to provide more context.

Learn more about how we keep your business moving

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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