Executive Summary

Fashion supply chains are growing increasingly complex due to several factors like multiple sourcing locations, destination markets, and a rising number of sales channels. In addition to this, the COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified the vulnerabilities of fashion brands, making it imperative for them to incorporate resilience and flexibility within their supply chains.

In this report, we speak with Josue Alzamora, Global Head of the Lifestyle Vertical at Maersk, to examine the challenges and trends that fashion logistics is facing today and how businesses can increase the resilience and flexibility of their supply chains.

What can you expect from this report?

  • Analysis of the global apparel market
  • The current challenges for fashion supply chains
  • How COVID-19 has affected the fashion industry
  • Best practices for fashion supply chains to become more resilient
  • How changing consumer behaviour is impacting the industry
  • Newer trends that are being witnessed by fashion companies
  • Expert advice on building resilient supply chains


Josue Alzamora
Josue Alzamora
Global Head of Lifestyle Vertical

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