Shipping to and from Guinea Bissau

Your complete guide to shipping to and from Guinea-Bissau. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Local information

Rua 10, No. 35 Bissau, 302 Bissau, Guinea Bissau
+245 955604051

Maersk Go contact email id:

Import related queries:
Export related queries:
Horaires d’ouverture
Mon-Fri 08:30-16:30

With an office in Bissau and an unrivalled global network, we are uniquely placed to help businesses in Guinea Bissau connect to the world.

Whether you are shipping standard, refrigerated or oversized cargo, we have the local expertise and global network needed to get it to its destination. We offer bi-weekly connections to and from Lisbon in Portugal and fast connections at transhipment hubs in Port Tangier, Morocco and Algeciras, Spain. From here, the rest of the world is just a short hop away.

Informations utiles

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Cashew supply chain solutions in Africa

From farms across West Africa to processing centres in India and Vietnam, your cashew undertakes many journeys. They are loaded on trucks that take them to cooperatives or warehouses, to depots and port terminals, from where they board an ocean liner to ports in Asia.

As an integrator of container logistics, Maersk aims to deliver your cashew to market as fast as possible, while always ensuring the right transport conditions to preserve the quality of your produce.

You can find us in 45 countries in Africa, including Ivory Coast, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Nigeria, which are amongst the most important exporters of raw cashew nuts to the Vietnamese, Thai and Indian markets.

Our local teams have extensive experience in handling cashews’ transportation.

Cashew Supply Chain in Africa

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