We would like to offer you our latest update on the outbreak of COVID-19 and any impact to Maersk’s operations in Botswana.

Maersk leadership teams, as well as management in all other areas where cases of COVID-19 have been identified, are closely monitoring the situation as part of our strong commitment to ensure the safety of our employees whilst working towards mitigating any possible impact to our customers’ operations.

Please bookmark this advisory page where you will always find the latest update for Botswana!

3 April 2020:

General Status

At present, our offices are subject to a change in timing, since only some of our staff are in office based on local government guidelines and as a result our counter will only be open on a Monday; Wednesday and Friday from 14H00 to 16H00 daily to facilitate the release of import cargo and issue original bills of lading.

We are aware of the added pressure on your business in the current situation and would like to reassure you, as and when more information comes through from the Government, Namport or Namibia Customs and Excise we will, if need be, adjust our times accordingly to ensure we keep your supply chain flowing.

To make it easier for you to manage any situations remotely, we have the below recommendations

Export related

  • If possible, move to handling shipments via waybills.
  • In case you do require original bills of lading, we will be happy to assist with the below options
    • Collect the bills of lading from our office when it’s open
    • Perform an “electronic release” of bills of lading – where we will keep the original bills of lading with us and allow release of cargo to the consignee / nominated party on your request alone.

Import related

  • Surrender of original bills would need to be done at our nearest open office.
  • We will waive any charges linked to an electronic release of bills of lading and amendment fee for change of bill type
  • Please share details of any payments made with us via e-mail – that is, any proof of payment such as a scanned copy of cheques deposited, electronic funds transfer receipts, etc.
  • Delivery order requests can be raised via our Maersk website

In case you are visiting our offices, please do follow the World Health Organization recommendations on hygiene

For cargo that cannot move under the current restrictions, please refer to the customer advisory on the link that outlines how this cargo will be handled for the duration of the shutdown. The details are comprehensive and self-explanatory but please do reach out to us should you need any clarification or require additional information.

Our teams will be working remotely, and email correspondence will be dealt with normally, should you need to reach out to any member of staff, please use the following contact details.

Our teams will be working remotely, and email correspondence will be dealt with normally, should you need to reach out to us please call us on + 267 7289 4996.

Should you have any concern and/or queries, please feel free to contact your Maersk Local Representative, we will be happy to assist you.

Keep your business moving during the COVID-19 situation

We have outlined solutions which might help during this uncertain time. We are developing alternative services across the logistic chain where possible and our customer service teams are able to provide more context.

Learn more about how we keep your business moving

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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