We would like to offer you our latest update on the outbreak of COVID-19 and any impact to Maersk’s operations in Ivory Coast.

Maersk leadership teams, as well as management in all other areas where cases of COVID-19 have been identified, are closely monitoring the situation as part of our strong commitment to ensure the safety of our employees whilst working towards mitigating any possible impact to our customers’ operations.

Please bookmark this advisory page where you will always find the latest update for Ivory Coast!

3 April 2020:

General Status

You would certainly be are aware of the growing situation globally regarding COVID-19 and on the local guidelines announced by the government in Ivory Coast.

At present, only few of our staffs are working in the office as per the local authorities recommendations.We are aware of the added pressure on your business in the current situation and would like to make it easier for you to manage any situations remotely. We are kindly requesting you to inform your origin country to switch from Original BL release to Telex release or Sea waybill release.

For new bookings, only Sea Waybill or Telex release would be released during this period.

This will ensure you maintain your business flowing with us as Original Bill of Lading cannot be easily be issued for now.

We will ensure any charges linked to an electronic release of bills of lading and amendment fee for change of bill type is waived.

Should you have any concern and/or queries, please feel free to contact your Maersk Local Representative, we will be happy to assist you.

Keep your business moving during the COVID-19 situation

We have outlined solutions which might help during this uncertain time. We are developing alternative services across the logistic chain where possible and our customer service teams are able to provide more context.

Learn more about how we keep your business moving

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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