Inland services in Austria

Maersk offers full coverage of all inland locations in Austria with rail and direct truck products. The rail combined product portfolio consists of unique Maersk block trains which connect inland terminals Enns with port of Koper and Bratislava with port of Koper, Bremerhaven and Hamburg. The connections from/to terminals Graz, Salzburg, Villach, Wien and Wolfurt Maersk offers in cooperation with our intermodal partners. From/to all inland terminals Maersk offers both store-door service where the trucking is organized by Maersk or inland CY service where the customers can organize the trucking themselves.

Supported inland service modes in Austria

Trucks provide flexible point-to-point service, delivering small loads over short to long distances over widely dispersed geographic areas.
Having a freight option that can accommodate your hauling needs is important. Rail provides versatility, high carrying capacity, and speed making it a great option.
Barge provides additional opportunities to utilize water service into points not accessible by large main liner vessels.
*Kindly note you will need genset for all operating reefer out of or into Austria,

Reefer related Add-ons

Type Base Amount
Sealing Fee

per container


on request only


Weekend or Holiday Add-on




as per actual cost

* the mentioned charge is valid for shipments via Bremerhaven/Hamburg with the RCO mode. For truck haulage or via Southern ports charge may be different.
PLEASE NOTE: Austrian inland tariff as well as local tariff charges associated with inland haulage are NOT filed with FMC. In case you sell inland haulage into/out of US where inland lag in Austria is involved, please file into your contract.

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