To continue our journey in becoming the global integrator of container logistics, connecting and simplifying your supply chains, this January 2019 we completed a re-organization of A. P. Moller-Maersk as one company across Ocean and Logistics & Services, with Damco freight forwarding as a separate business continuing under the Damco name. To support this effort, we are aligning the naming of our legal entities within our Ocean and Logistics & Services business (former Maersk, Maersk Line and Damco names) towards the Maersk name.

As the next step, on 16 November 2019 we are renaming our legal entities within our Ocean and Logistics & Services business meaning that we will change our entity name from Maersk Line A/S to Maersk A/S A follow up communication will be sent as confirmation, once the name change is effective.

Please note, this is a name change only and should have minimal impact on you and your business.

We are informing you today of change as we may need your collaboration in updating all your tax reporting, internal master data and invoice registration systems to reflect the change in name. This to ensure that invoices are processed correctly, and all payments are made. Starting 16 November 2019, we will ensure that all Security / Bill of Lading papers are updated to reflect the name change.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to continuing working with you in the future. In case of any questions, please contact your local customer service or sales representatives.

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