Global Trade and Customs Consulting Services

Navigate the complexity of the global customs landscape.

Turn challenges into opportunities

The global trade environment today is complex. With businesses looking for resilient and diversified supply chains, and governments constantly transforming regulations, Maersk’s team of highly qualified trade and customs consultants and compliance experts across countries will help you:

  • Stay fully compliant with ever-changing international trade regulations
  • Cut trade costs by leveraging trade agreements and other simplifications
  • Stay ahead of risks and penalties associated with non-compliance

With the right support in place, you will be able to identify risks and turn challenges into opportunities. Here are some of the services that Maersk offers to strengthen your customs strategy:

Turn challenges into opportunities

Harmonised System (HS) Classification

The Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, generally referred to as ‘Harmonised System’ or ‘HS’, is a multipurpose international commodity nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organisation.
Harmonised System (HS) Classification

The HS is used by more than 200 countries and economies as a basis for their customs tariffs. Virtually all commodities traded internationally must be classified in HS-based tariffs when they are cleared through customs, or for other purposes, both at their origin and their destination.

HS Classification product by Maersk helps companies establish and maintain accurate, compliant, and optimised classification of their goods in a strategic and holistic manner, using cutting-edge technology to automate the classification process.

The service is delivered using selective automation powered by Maersk Classify tool deploying the latest technology, with an advanced expert analytical system and AI layered on it, to handle most of the regular classification tasks. The tool is used in combination with manual checks for complex classification cases where technology still cannot guarantee 100% accurate determination of commodity codes.

Our team of experts will provide the following services for you:

  • We will classify your goods in the HS or an HS-based tariff of your choice, or verify the accuracy of the classification and product descriptions already established, or transpose commodity codes to a given tariff
  • We will support you in the migration to new versions of the HS and tariffs to ensure smooth and timely implementation of regulatory changes
  • We will help you apply for binding advance rulings to obtain a written decision on the treatment that your goods will receive at the time of importation or exportation
  • We will provide a high-level advocacy support to your organisation in complex or contentious classification cases as you deal with authorities at different levels.

Customs Strategy and Optimisation

This service helps you identify and deliver savings by optimising your customs strategy and taking advantage of potential opportunities in the customs landscape.
Customs Strategy and Optimisation

We help you drive savings by making use of opportunities like Free Trade Agreements, inward/outward processing, duty drawback, recovery of overpaid duties, VAT recovery on exports and bonded warehousing, among others.

By analysing your article registries and supply chain data, we identify specific regimes that could be most beneficial for you. We quantify the savings available and offer recommendations on how to achieve them. We help you implement optimisation strategies and build your in-house capacity to ensure that you benefit from these advantages in the long term.

Trade Compliance Services

This service helps you reduce your trade compliance risks and liabilities, future-proof your business for new regulations and strengthen your compliance setup for the long term. By analysing your supply chain data and compliance procedures, we can identify and quantify the specific risks you may face and support you in fixing them.
Trade Compliance Services

We will assess the risk of non-compliance with customs and trade regulations and develop and implement recovery plans to address the challenge. We undertake gap analyses to assess the impact of new regulations and the steps required to get ready. We help you engage with government agencies in appeals, voluntary disclosures and help you prepare for audits. We can also provide expertise to fill short or long-term gaps in your compliance management capacity, and we help build your in-house capability to stay on top of risks in the long term.

Our areas of expertise include classification, valuation and origin, export controls and sanctions, customs regimes such as warehousing, inward processing, etc., ESG-related regulations such as Forced Labour, and CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism).

With upcoming legislation changes like CBAM that affect cross-border movement of certain goods, our team will help you stay updated with all the recent developments and guide you through the changes. To know more about CBAM and the steps you need to take to be compliant, click here.

Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

Our AEO Guru consulting service helps you acquire AEO or Trusted Trader status, maintain your status and build a strong internal compliance system within your company. Our cloud-based AEO Management Software offers digital and real-time management of AEO and customs compliance across the entire organisation.
aeo guru

AEO or Authorised Economic Operator is an international World Customs Organization (WCO) standard (SAFE Framework of Standards) to certify secure, compliant and low-risk supply chain operators. Acquiring the AEO status means that your organisation is compliant, financially viable, follows the required security standards and qualifies for customs facilitations and benefits that save time, money, and improve predictability in your supply chains.

Maersk AEO Guru is an advisory and consulting service that helps you with analysis, preparation, implementation and application to achieve and maintain the AEO/Trusted Trader status.

Our AEO Management Software will further simplify and digitise compliance for you. This cloud-based solution offers a real-time view of current compliance levels across your entire organisation, allowing you to manage your customs certifications, risks and control activities in a single place.

Click below to know more on our AEO Management Software.

Digital Customs Academy

World’s first global customs academy that offers modern, cost-efficient digital customs training with certifications. It is a comprehensive suite of learning and competence in customs procedures for all levels, with self-paced programs that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Digital Customs Academy

In a globalised post-pandemic world, customs competence and knowledge ensure compliance and security, and can also help drive savings and optimisation. Maersk’s Digital Customs Academy is the first digital platform for customs professionals. The programs are conducted by expert tutors who can guide students through the different courses.

It is powered by Maersk and the UK Institute of Export & International Trade, two global leaders in customs education. The courses are built on standard modules and elements, which can also be reconfigured for a solution that fits your needs. Standard programs are:

  • Basic Introduction to Customs Course
  • UK Customs Academy Levels 2-5 (including academic accreditation)
  • EU Customs Academy Levels 2-3

Click here to visit the Digital Customs Academy and start your course today.

Border Management Consulting

This service supports governments to transform their customs, trade and border environment to boost trade facilitation, revenue collection, and security.
Border Management Consulting

Border Management Consulting supports governments to reform, modernise and transform their customs, trade and border environment in line with international standards and best practices. Our expertise covers key areas, such as:

  • Authorised Economic Operator / Trusted Trader
  • Risk Management
  • Border Management
  • Single Window and Digitalisation
  • Trade Facilitation

We can deliver transformation projects and deploy our experts to complement government agency resources and manage the day-to-day operations of certain services. For example, our team can conduct the audit and accreditation of companies applying to become authorised economic operators.

Webinar | Global Trade and Customs Consultancy Thought-Leadership Roundtable

In a roundtable webinar, experts from across the industry share their views on the future of global trade and risk mitigation and answer critical questions, including:

  • What’s next in global trade?
  • How can uncertainties be mitigated?
  • How to manage stressed inventory levels?
  • Can digitalisation of customs and trade be an answer?
  • How can companies involved in international trade prepare for the future?

Explore the next steps to make your customs run smoother going forward.

Global Trade and Customs Consultancy Thought-Leadership Roundtable

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We're happy to talk to you about your Customs Services needs at anytime. Please feel free to contact us.

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