We would like to appreciate you for your continued support and partnership.

This is a proactive notification regarding subject vessel in line with the Easter Season coming up.

Vessel Name: 405 MAERSK CABO VERDE
Voyage: 414N
Vessel ETA: 2024-03-31 16:30
Vessel Acceptance date: 2024-03-23 16:30
Deadline for Engagement list submission in acceptable format attached to KENCSVSL KENCSVSL@maersk.com : Thursday 2024-03-28 15:00 Hrs.
Deadline for Late acceptance list submission in acceptable format to LATE ACCEPTANCE LATEACCEPTANCE@MAERSK.COM : Friday 2024-03-29 15:00 Hrs
Deadline, SI & VGM submission: 2024-03-29 17:00

Vessel Cut-off deadlines:

Vessel Name Dep.Voy ETA Service Gate Opening / Gate Closing Handover cut off for normal acceptance / Reefer Late gate acceptance & Handover
Vessel Name
2024-03-31 16:30
Gate Opening / Gate Closing
3/23/2024 16:00 / 3/30/2024 16:00
Handover cut off for normal acceptance / Reefer Late gate acceptance & Handover
4/1/2024 14:00 / 4/2/2024 15:00

We request that you plan and adhere to the above timelines to avoid your containers not being planned for loading on the vessel.

Also shared are our working schedules during the Easter season at the Maersk Kenya and Uganda office locations.



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