18 December 2023 - Update 12

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus is slowly increasing. In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

For the cargo with transhipment in Brazil:

  • Americo Vespucio 347N resuming the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation, completed her operations in Manaus on December 16th.
  • Fernão de Magalhães 348N on the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with arrived in Manaus on December 16th.
  • Maersk Jalan 350N Arrived in Pecem on December 17th and Manaus ETA on December 24th.

The next vessels to Manaus will resume the normal G1D rotation and schedule, and we are working to clean the backlog from the hub ports as soon as possible.

For the cargo with transhipment in Panama or Cartagena, there was one extra call with limited capacity + Manaus Shuttle service resumption as follows:

  • Seaspan Hannover 348N completed her operations in Manaus on Dec/16th.
  • Express France 348S completed her operations in Manaus on Dec/17th.

The next vessels to Manaus will resume the normal Manaus Shuttle rotation and schedule. We are working to clean the backlog from the hub ports as soon as possible.

Export bookings out of Manaus

The export service is now back to the normal rotation and schedule, and we are working to clean the backlog as soon as possible.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course. All dates on this advisory are to be confirmed depending on the feasibility of the vessels’ operation.

11 December 2023 - Update 11

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus is slowly increasing. In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

For the cargo with transhipment in Brazil, there will be two Pecem extra calls with limited capacity + ALCT (G1D) Service resumption is as follows:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N berthed in Manaus on December 07th with ETS on December 12th.
  • Americo Vespucio 347N resuming the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with ETA Manaus on December 12th.
  • Fernão de Magalhães 348N on the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with ETA Manaus on December 16th.
  • Maersk Jalan 350N planned to arrive in Pecem on December 17th and Manaus ETA on December 20th.

For the cargo with transhipment in Panama or Cartagena, there will be one extra call with limited capacity + Manaus Shuttle service resumption as follows:

  • Seaspan Hannover 348N planned to arrive in Manaus on December 15th.
  • Express France 348S resuming the Manaus Shuttle rotation with ETA at Manaus on December 15th.

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S berthed in Manaus on December 07th with ETS on December 12th. Cargoes are to be discharged in Pecem ETA December 17th for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course. All dates on this advisory are to be confirmed depending on the feasibility of the vessels’ operation.

Relief package

Considering the partial resumption of operations, we have made the following adjustments to the relief package we are offering for your shipments from/to Manaus:

Export bookings:

Transfers and delays initiated by the carrier will continue to be reduced from the EXPORT DETENTION calculation, as usual.

SPOT booking penalties will no longer be exempted.

In case of any empty return, handling fee, detention and all operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

Import shipments:

We will continue offering COD for shipments with ETA Manaus until further notice. Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

Low Water Surcharge

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, effective as of 18/Sep/23 until further notice.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

04 December 2023 - Update 10

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus is slowly increasing. In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

For the cargo with transhipment in Brazil, there will be two Pecem extra calls with limited capacity + ALCT (G1D) Service resumption is as follows:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N departed from Pecem on November 26th with Manaus ETA on December 05th.
  • Americo Vespucio 347N resuming the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with ETA Manaus on December 09th.
  • Maersk Jalan 350N planned to arrive in Pecem on December 11th and Manaus ETA on December 17th.

For the cargo with transhipment in Panama or Cartagena, there will be one extra call with limited capacity + Manaus Shuttle service resumption as follows:

  • Seaspan Hannover 348N planned to arrive in Pecem on December 08th and potentially call Manaus on December 12th.
  • Express France 348S resuming the Manaus Shuttle rotation with ETA at Manaus on December 14th.

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S planned to depart from Manaus ETS on December 06th and cargoes are to be discharged in Pecem ETA December 11th for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course. All dates on this advisory are to be confirmed depending on the feasibility of the vessels’ operation.

Relief package

Considering the partial resumption of operations, we have made the following adjustments to the relief package we are offering for your shipments from/to Manaus:

Export bookings:

Transfers and delays initiated by the carrier will continue to be reduced from the EXPORT DETENTION calculation, as usual.

SPOT booking penalties will no longer be exempted.

In case of any empty return, handling fee, detention and all operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

Import shipments:

We will continue offering COD for shipments with ETA Manaus until further notice. Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

Low Water Surcharge

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, effective as of 18/Sep/23 until further notice.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

27 November 2023 - Update 09

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus continues to recede, but with signs of improvement at some crossing points which allows for a projection of the return of operations with reduced capacity.

In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

For the cargo with transhipment in Brazil, there will be two Pecem extra calls with limited capacity + ALCT (G1D) Service resumption is as follows:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA on November 27th and Manaus ETA on December 02nd. (ETA at Manaus to be confirmed depending on the Amazon River level)
  • Maersk Jalan 348N The second call of this vessel in Pecem has been cancelled due to the delays on the first voyage.
  • Americo Vespucio 347N resuming the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with ETA Manaus on December 09th.

For the cargo with transhipment in Panama or Cartagena, there will be one extra call with limited capacity + Manaus Shuttle service resumption as follows:

  • Seaspan Hannover 348N planned to arrive in Cartagena ETA November 25th, Manzanillo ETA November 27th, Pecem December 05th and potential call in Manaus on December 11th (depending on the river level).
  • Express France 348S resuming the normal Manaus Shuttle rotation with ETA at Manaus on December 13th.

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S planned to depart from Manaus ETS on December 04th and cargoes are to be discharged in Pecem ETA December 09th for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course.

Relief package

Considering the partial resumption of operations, we have made the following adjustments to the relief package we are offering for your shipments from/to Manaus:

Export bookings:

Transfers and delays initiated by the carrier will continue to be reduced from the EXPORT DETENTION calculation, as usual.

SPOT booking penalties will no longer be exempted.

In case of any empty return, handling fee, detention and all operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

Import shipments:

We will continue offering COD for shipments with ETA Manaus until further notice. Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

Low Water Surcharge

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, effective as of 18/Sep/23 until further notice.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

21 November 2023 - Update 08

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus continues to recede, but with signs of improvement at some crossing points which allows for a projection of the return of operations with reduced capacity.

In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

For the cargo with transhipment in Brazil, there will be two Pecem extra calls with limited capacity + ALCT (G1D) Service resumption as follows:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA on November 24th and Manaus ETA on November 28th. (ETA at Manaus to be confirmed depending on the Amazon River level)
  • Maersk Jalan 348N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA on December 01st and Manaus ETA on December 04th. (under evaluation depending on the first voyage schedule)
  • Americo Vespucio 347N resuming the ALCT (G1D) normal rotation with ETA at Manaus on December 09th.

For the cargo with transhipment in Panama or Cartagena, there will be one extra call with limited capacity + Manaus Shuttle service resumption as follows:

  • Seaspan Hannover 348N planner to arrive in Cartagena ETA on November 24th, Manzanillo ETA November 26th, Pecem December 04th and possible call in Manaus on December 11th (depending on the river level).
  • Express France 348S resuming the normal Manaus Shuttle rotation with ETA at Manaus on December 13th

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S planned to depart from Manaus ETS on November 28th and cargoes are to be discharged in Pecem ETA on December 01st for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course.

The full resumption of services is not projected until at least week 49, as previously communicated.

Relief package

Considering the partial resumption of operations, we have made the following adjustments to the relief package we are offering for your shipments from/to Manaus:

Export bookings:

Transfers and delays initiated by the carrier will continue to be reduced from the EXPORT DETENTION calculation, as usual.

SPOT booking penalties will no longer be exempted.

In case of any empty return, handling fee, detention and all operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility. 

Import shipments:

We will continue offering COD for shipments with ETA Manaus until further notice. Subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

Low Water Surcharge

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, effective as of 18/Sep/23 until further notice. 

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

14 November 2023 - Update 07

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus continues to recede, but with signs of improvement at some crossing points which allows for a projection of the return of operations with reduced capacity.

In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations of our feeder provider Aliança for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

Planned two extra calls with limited capacity:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA on November 20th and Manaus ETA on November 24th.
  • Maersk Jalan 348N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA on December 01st and Manaus ETA on December 04th.

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S planned to depart from Manaus ETS on November 24th and cargoes are to be discharged in Pecem ETA on December 01st for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course.

The full resumption of services is not projected until at least week 49, as previously communicated.

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, as communicated on September 18th.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

09 November 2023 - Update 06

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

Based on the latest measurements, the daily water level in Manaus continues to recede, but with signs of improvement at some crossing points which allows for a projection of the return of operations with reduced capacity.

In this scenario, we inform you of the partial resumption of operations of our feeder provider Aliança for shipments with destinations to or from the port of Manaus.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

Planned two extra calls with limited capacity:

  • Maersk Jalan 346N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA November 15th and Manaus ETA November 20th.
  • Maersk Jalan 348N planned to arrive in Pecem ETA November 27th and Manaus ETA December 02nd.

Export bookings out of Manaus

Maersk Jalan (MAJAL) 347S planned to departure from Manaus ETS 21.11 and cargo to be discharged in Pecem ETA 27.11 for further connections.

The transport plan for all bookings will be updated in due course.

The full resumption of services is not projected until at least week 49, as previously communicated.

As operations will resume still under severe restrictions, we reiterate the application of the Low Water Surcharge to shipments originating from or destined to Manaus, as communicated on September 18th.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

07 November 2023 - Update 05

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

The navigability conditions on the Amazon River remain critical. Despite a recent rise in water levels, following a record low, there is no projected timeline for the resumption of services until at least week 49. Consequently, export bookings out of Manaus will remain on hold until a schedule is in place and cargoes bound to Manaus will be discharged at alternative ports and will remain on hold until operations in Manaus can safely resume.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

Fernão de Magalhães/342N discharged in Pecem on November 04th

Log-in Polaris/100N planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA November 15th

Aliança Leblon/343N planned to be discharged in Vila do Conde ETA November 07th

Maersk Jalan/344N planned to be discharged in Vila do Conde ETA November 11th

All cargoes discharged on alternative ports will be connected to Manaus as soon as we have a new schedule in place.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

30 October 2023 - Update 04

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

The navigability conditions on the Amazon River remain critical, and we cannot provide a specific timeline for resuming vessel operations. Consequently, export bookings out of Manaus will remain on hold until a schedule is in place and cargoes bound to Manaus will be discharged at alternative ports and will remain on hold until operations in Manaus can safely resume.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

Americo Vespucio/341N discharged in Pecem on October 28th

Fernão de Magalhães/342N planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA November 04th

Log-in Polaris/100N planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA November 15th

Maersk Jalan/342N operating in Vila do Conde on October 30th

Aliança Leblon/343N planned to be discharged in Vila do Conde ETA November 04th

All cargoes discharged on alternative ports will be connected to Manaus as soon as we have a new schedule in place.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

23 October 2023 - Update 03

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the drought in the Amazon region.

The navigability conditions on the Amazon River remain critical, and we cannot provide a specific timeline for resuming vessel operations. Consequently, cargoes bound to Manaus on board the following vessels will be discharged at alternative ports and will remain on hold until operations in Manaus can safely resume.

The transport plans for export bookings out of Manaus will remain on hold until a new schedule is in place.

For import cargo in transit to Manaus:

Fernão de Magalhães/339N discharged in Pecem on October 12th.

Sebastião Caboto/338N had restricted operations in Vila do Conde. Cargoes not discharged in Vila do Conde have been discharged in Pecem on October 23rd.

Pedro Alvares Cabral/340N discharged in Pecem on October 22nd.

Americo Vespucio/341N planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA October 28th.

Log-in Polaris/100N will have its contingency plan announced as soon as possible.

VARAMO/340S discharged in Pecem ETA October 17th.

MARFRET GUYNE/340S discharged in Fortaleza on October 18th.

BOMAR PRAIA/339S-341N: discharged in Pecem on October 16th.

All cargoes discharged on alternative ports will be connected to Manaus as soon as we have a new schedule in place.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

17 October 2023 - Update 02

In our commitment to keeping you informed and ensuring the seamless management of your cargo import and/or export operations to/from Manaus, we hereby provide you with an update on our contingency plan in response to the ongoing developments about the Amazon River.

For import cargoes transshipped in Brazil:

Our feeder provider Aliança, declared force majeure, and the cargoes on board the following vessels bound to Manaus will be discharged in alternative ports:

Sebastião Caboto/338N (SECAB) is expected to berth in Vila do Conde on October 20th and it will have restricted operations due to yard density, thus not all planned cargo can be discharged. Cargoes not discharged in Vila do Conde will be redirected to Pecem. Please follow up on your cargo status via the Tracking tool.

Fernão de Magalhães/339N (FERMA) discharged in Pecem on October 12th.

Pedro Alvares Cabral/340N (PECAB) planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA October 21st.

Americo Vespucio/341N (AMVES) planned to be discharged in Pecem ETA October 28th.

Log-in Polaris/100N (LIPOL) planned to be discharged in Suape ETA October 24th.

For import cargoes transshipped in Panama or Cartagena:

The vessel operator announced that it has no other option than to divert its vessels (Manaus Shuttle service) to other ports and apply the below contingency plan:

VARAMO/340S: cargo onboard will be discharged in Pecem ETA October 17th.

MARFRET GUYNE 340S: will head straight to Fortaleza ETA October 18th and discharge all Manaus cargo onboard.

BOMAR PRAIA 339S-341N: cargo onboard will be discharged in Pecem on October 16th.

The cargoes onboard the mentioned vessels on this advisory will be shipped to Manaus as soon as the water level permits.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to resume operations safely.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

10 October 2023 - Update 01

The depth of the Amazon River at its critical passage points has reached a level that renders the maritime operations in Manaus unfeasible, therefore we have limited booking acceptance, and the following contingency plan will be triggered for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus.

For import cargoes transhipped in Brazil:

Our feeder provider Aliança declared force majeure, and the cargoes on board the following vessels bound to Manaus will be discharged in alternative ports:

  • Sebastião Caboto/338N (SECAB) will be discharged in Vila do Conde (on October 14th)
  • Fernão de Magalhães/339N (FERMA) will be discharged in Pecem (on October 12th)

For cargoes on these above-mentioned vessels, there is currently no estimated schedule for re-shipment, and it will be necessary to await the resumption of service.
Log-in Polaris/100N (LIPOL) will also not be berthing in Manaus, and its contingency plan will be communicated as soon as possible.

For import cargoes transhipped in Panama or Cartagena:

Bomar Praia/339S will not be able to berth in Manaus, considering discharging cargoes in Pecem; to be confirmed.
Marfret Guyane/340S and Varamo/340S are still planned to berth in Manaus; to be confirmed.
Express Brazil/341S and further vessels will not be able to berth in Manaus. We are working on a contingency plan; details will be provided soon.

Relief package

We understand that the situation may have impacts on your business and that flexibility is key in this current period. As such, we would like to offer the following relief package items for your import and/or export cargo to/from Manaus:

For export bookings with:

  • no container gated-out, booking cancellation without penalty.
  • already gated-out containers, empty containers return will not be charged, and the export detention clock will be frozen for export shipments with ETD on or after October 11th until further notice.
  • containers gated in MAO terminal, SPOT booking cancellation without penalty, empty containers return, and detention will not be charged. All operational/port costs are under the shipper’s responsibility.

For import shipments with ETA on or after October 11th, we offer free COD, subject to restowing, shifting cost and freight difference. Change of destination (COD) is subject to operational feasibility at the time of request.

Alternative solution

There is a limited alternative transportation option using a combination of truck-barge transport between Vila do Conde and Manaus available, except for hazardous and refrigerated cargoes. This solution involves loading goods onto vessels bound for Vila do Conde, where the cargo will be transferred to a barge for transportation to Manaus and subsequent delivery via our trucks. If you are interested, please contact your sales representatives to negotiate new rates and a new operational model.

Projections suggest re-establishing port schedules at Manaus, with limited capacity, commencing from week 46. We are diligently monitoring the situation daily, and we will keep you informed as soon as the river levels allow us to safely resume operations.

Any updates will be promptly communicated through our customer advisories.

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