We would like to provide an update on our transition to the new financial system SAP S/4HANA. As our commitment to providing the best possible customer experience, we wanted to share some changes we have made to our credit note issuing process to ensure a smooth customer experience.

As we progressed through the transition, we have identified some challenges that customers have faced. Specifically, we found that some of the invoices may have to undergo corrections. To address this issue, we have implemented new policies for credit note creation, taking effect on 26 May 2023.

These changes will help prevent multiple partial credit notes from being issued, which can cause confusion when reconciling statements and delay payments. Here are the details of what you can expect:

Previously, when the price of your shipment changed, you would receive a partial credit note or a partial supplementary invoice for the same shipment, along with information explaining the reason for the change. Starting from 26 May 2023, we will cancel the original invoice and issue a completely new invoice with the revised charge.

We understand that any change in process can be challenging, and we are committed to helping our customers navigate the transition as smoothly as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to your collection team. For cash customers, please reach out to uaefinca@maersk.com, and for credit customers, reach out to uaefincr@maersk.com. 

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve our financial system to better serve you. 

This is for customers in UAE.

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