As part of the concession contract for the control by scanning of the flow of goods at the Autonomous Port of Pointe Noire, it was approved by Order No. 7666 of April 22, 2021 of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, approving the concession agreement for the design, financing, supply, installation, operation, maintenance and transfer to the State, at the end of the concession, of a set of X-ray inspection systems, in the Republic of Congo (scanner project), signed on March 31st, 2021 between the Republic of Congo and the company IDA Holding represented by the company Global Access.

This initiative aims on the one hand to make the control and inspection operations of the flow of goods on Congolese territory more reliable in order to avoid erroneous or fraudulent declarations and on the other hand to ensure a sustainable increase in the tax collection.

It is within this framework that the Congolese State and IDA HOLDING have set up the Scanning fee, the sum of which is paid by the persons liable for the operation of the Works and Services Concessioned, mainly the scanning of the liable goods, imported, whether or not they have been scanned. The amount of the fee, which will come into force from October 5th, 2022 for non regulated countries and 15th October for regulated countries, is set in accordance with the rates below:

Surcharge Size Amount Charge Type
Inspection Fee Import
ALL 20’
Amount Charge
EUR 160
Per Container
Inspection Fee Import
ALL 40’
Amount Charge
EUR 210
Per Container

The collection of the fee is made directly in the exporting countries (Country of origin of the containers) and is excluding the ocean freight.

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