Last month, we informed our consignees importing into the Maldives that – effective 5th October 2020 – they would be granted access to a Maersk digital platform, displaying all their import shipments arriving into Malé (Maldives).

Via the platform, they will be able to

  • Check the latest status update for all their shipments, from discharge to empty container return;
  • Extract the consolidated view of all past & upcoming import shipments into an Excel report;
  • Collect & upload important shipment documentation through the platform;
  • Store their shipment data & documentation in the platform for up to 5 years.

For that reason, starting from 5th October 2020, we implemented the surcharge Customs Port Costs - Destination of USD 50 per container, applicable to all shipments discharged at Male & invoiced along with your origin charges.

We thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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