In order to ensure better vessel utilization and equipment availability, Maersk is announcing the following “No show Fee” implementation on all container types.

For DRY Equipment:- effective 1st of April 2020

Booking cancellation fee” equivalent to USD 50 per container, will be charged for the reservations which are not cancelled or postponed 5 days in advance to Shipping Instruction Cut Off deadline.

Important Note: “Spot” bookings will be considered within its own terms and conditions.

For REEFER Equipment:- effective 1st of May 2020

“Booking cancellation fee” equivalent to USD 300 per container, will be charged for the reservations which are not cancelled or postponed 3 days in advance to Shipping Instruction Cut Off deadline.

For Special Equipment (Open-Top & Flat Rack):- effective 1st of January 2019

“Booking cancellation fee” equivalent to USD 300 per container, will be charged for the reservations which are not cancelled or postponed within 24 hours after the first Booking Reservation date.

Last Booking Cancellation deadlines are updated on our vessel deadlines webpage for reference.

Booking Cancellation Fee Implementation for Turkey

If you have any questions, please reach out to your local sales or customer service representative. We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continously serving your global transportation needs.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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