End-to-end supply chain visibility and accountability with multiple stakeholders will form the backbone of Maersk’s Supply Chain Management solution.

Pak Elektron Limited (also known as PEL), Pakistan’s local manufacturing giant of major home appliances and electrical equipment, is a top household brand and has been operating for more than 7 decades in the country. Competing with global companies, PEL is constantly looking for pockets of opportunities to optimize its operations while keeping an eye on the philosophy of innovation and advancement.

PEL had to handle huge import volumes with multiple sourcing options leading to challenges in their global supply chains, which in turn limited their competitiveness in the market. These challenges were also leading to detention and demurrage (D&D) charges getting built up. Maersk Pakistan collaborated with PEL to study their global supply chain and designed a Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution that would offer end-to-end visibility of cargo through its journey and ensure accountability with multiple stakeholders at each level of the supply chain. Through the dynamic SCM solution, Maersk also solved some of PEL’s pain points around cashflow and administration.

Maersk’s integrated SCM solution proposal has the potential to simplify PEL’s supply chain and provide better control of data and processes. This solution will support PEL in moving away from uncertainties and inefficiencies as well as ad-hoc shipment planning process to a systematic and predictable process with full visibility and control. Maersk offered PEL a visibility-backed solution allowing optimized decision making, financial and commercial performance for their imports. Maersk’s end-to-end SCM solution involves origin management, visibility and reporting and destination management. This will allow PEL to automatically gain upstream and downstream visibility and control, visibility and reduction of inefficiencies’ related costs, control of additional costs such as D&D, storage etc., along with the ability to drive informed decision making through Maersk’s dynamic dashboards.

At PEL, we believe to excel in providing engineering goods and services through continuous improvement. SCM providers are plenty, but with Maersk, we get to operate within a strongly established network that covers end-to-end logistics as well. We are looking forward to a close and strategic partnership with Maersk going forward and building more on the success of this SCM solution.

Manzar Hassan,
Chief Financial Officer of PEL

We are in the business of integrated container logistics with a mission to simplify our customers’ supply chains. We want to provide complete logistics solutions to our customers so that they can focus on their core business. The SCM solution for PEL is a step in this direction and we are looking forward to playing a role in the successful growth of our customer.

Aruna Hussain,
Managing Director, Maersk Pakistan

About A.P. Moller - Maersk

A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the global leader in shipping services, the company operates in 130 countries and employs around 80,000 people.

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