In order to keep providing you with our global services, Maersk is revising the Documentation Fee - Origin/Destination (ODF/DDF) for ALL Cargo in Angola to/from World, effective 01st November 2019 for All corridors.

The revised tariff amount is detailed as follow:

Surcharge code Origin Destination


New tariff

Rate basis


Surcharge code


New tariff

Rate basis


Per Bill of lading
Surcharge code


New tariff

Rate basis


Per Bill of lading

For your reference, we have also included the levels and rate structure for some sample corridors to/from Europe valid from today until further notice. These may be subject to future change, however we will make sure to notify you accordingly.

  • The above rates are also subject to other applicable surcharges, including local charges and contingency charges.
  • The above surcharge acronyms mean: OF (Ocean Freight), OHC (Origin Terminal Handling Charge), DHC (Destination Terminal Handling Charge), ERS (Emergency Risk Surcharge), BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor), LSS (Low Sulphur Surcharge) and PSS (Peak Season Surcharge).
  • These rates are unaffected by, and do not affect, any tariff notified, published or filed in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
  • For trades subject to the US Shipping Act or the China Maritime Regulations, quotations or surcharges that vary from the Maersk tariff shall not be binding on Maersk unless included in a service contract or service contract amendment that has been filed with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) or the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, as applicable.

We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing working with you in the future.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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